Monday, June 14, 2010

What do you think about people who work on Sunday? Is it bad if you work on Sunday, but make it to services during the week and purchase the Sunday services to listen to/listen to them via your church website?

this is the answer from the previous question I answered....most of the continue is precisely relative to this particular question.

Some1 did ask it, but I didn't get to answer it yet, so I will answer both of these in 1 pop (then again, I may paste this answer in the other ?'s box too)...

But really, I personally am confident that working on Sunday is not as serious a violation as people consider it in most religious circles. If you read Hebrews 4, God's more concerned with His children walking in His 'rest' than observing a day.

I would make every attempt to get off at least 1 or 2 Sunday's a month though, just so you could have that fellowship. If you can't pull that off with your boss, go to a church that has services on Saturday evenings--that should help you out.

If you need any more help with this, please don't hesitate to ask spite of the late rash of foolish questions, I do take questions like yours seriously & I am honored that you would ask me. Thanks & God bless!

Ask me anything

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