Monday, June 14, 2010

Hebrews 13:2, sometimes we might entertain angels. I want to know is it ok to give people who stand on corners change, or people who might look like they're on drugs money? Is this enabling them, or the famous quote people say "I meant it for good when

Well, personally, I believe that in every case, we should really ask the Holy Spirit what we should do for that person. I have at times just passed by people & gave them nothing because the Lord told me not to.

As far as being concerned with what they do with the money, that is a valid concern, but I think when you follow God's voice and/or prompting in your heart, you should just trust that God is leading you correctly. If in doubt, esp. when they are asking for food, go get the food for them (that usually is a good test of the heart).

Great question.

Ask me anything

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