Tuesday, August 31, 2010

No answer still HUH FLOYD you cant defend your whore? LOL

whore....how judgmental...I hope you don't claim Christ because you are simply not operating in His Spirit!

Ask me anything

why would someone who has been in a horrible places... and now professes their love for God be on twitter laughing at people who are bitter? isn't it up to us as the body of Christ and leaders to lift people up?

we are supposed to restore, not put down....it's crazy but leadership in the Body of Christ needs to change

Ask me anything

LOL.. maybe I did pray ... or something LOL

hahahaha...lol..I love it

Ask me anything

who said you were lucky LOL

who said I wasn't? :)

Ask me anything

how did I get so lucky????

I too am blessed though...so so blessed!

Ask me anything

how did I get so lucky????

don't know...maybe you prayed or something... :) lol...God knows!

Ask me anything

What's your perfect sunday?

church, a lil hooping, some good food & rest

Ask me anything

Did you feel that Glenn Beck's apology for his racist comments against President Obama were genuine? Why or why not?

did not see those comments or the apology...

Ask me anything

Is masturbation wrong when my spouse is away? Is there an amount of time that is acceptable? Are business trips different than trips to the grocery store?

Masturbation is wrong altogether--it's selfish & focused on personal pleasure outside of covenant.

Ask me anything

who is gonna be on dancing with the stars next season?

I am

Ask me anything

how come you won't friend my on facebook? b.j.

what are you talking about?

Ask me anything

I have an idea for a fancy men's shoe store called Shoe La La. And... it's just mens shoes for the special occasions in a man's life. Like the day that you get married, or the day your wife has a baby, or for just lounging around the house. Whatcha think?


Ask me anything

Monday, August 30, 2010

why is masturbation wrong?

it basically is the equivalent of trying to get the benefits designed for covenant relationship outside of covenant relationship.

Ask me anything

why is masturbation wrong?

it's selfish & based in lust. whether married or single, masturbation doesn't fulfill covenant duties--it only feeds into self

Ask me anything

f-bomb, wheres a good place to get nice dress shoes on a moderate budget?


Ask me anything

hey bro hit me up if you ever wanna workout. i know ur kinda on the skinny side but i been juicin and am getting pretty big now. i can get you that juice real cheap man. let me know

no thanks! funny though

Ask me anything

F-bomb, what's a good translation to use when memorizing verses?

F-bomb? you can leave that nickname out....but anyway, to answer your question, use the NKJV

Ask me anything

How did you get the nickname "the muppet"?

don't have that nickname....

Ask me anything

Hey Floyd! It's Jason Nathaniel here...f-bomb? as a nickname?!! man that dude is WACK! lol pretty funny though. I actually might start calling you that lol peace

man Jason, I don't know what that dude was talking about....I was kind of lost in whatever he was saying....I started to just delete the question/statement or whatever it was, but I just put something up for the heck of it....u funny though man...lol...

honestly, he is pretty wack for that though--u r right

Ask me anything

lol dude dis is hilarryious

glad you think so

Ask me anything

I love how you're never wrong Floyd. No matter what issues ANYONE brings up. The most pure, Christ-like individual in the world could write in anonymously to your fs and tell you to clean up your act and you would immediately shoot down any idea of it.

???? what are you talking about?

Ask me anything

Saturday, August 28, 2010

whoa did you finally get a girlfriend?

that's 4 me 2 know & u to find out

Ask me anything

how to qualify my statement? By asking you to look at yourself and prior post.. your arguing with an immature child, and stooping to their level of ignorance... come on bro..

there is a reason for answering them, trust me...it's not about stooping to their level, but it's addressing an underlying issue that keeps coming up & the spirit at which it is being relayed to me. Chose 2 call it out because it's just so crass it's ridiculous. It's a church issue that I could have ignored, but honestly, it had to be addressed.

Ask me anything

I don't understand why someone who reps team celibate is constantly tweeting about sex! Is it because you're always thinking about it? Isn't havin sexual thoughts a sin! I think you should relax on the heavy sex tweets! Focus on more important issues.

well, personally, I have to jump in this as well because I find it funny that no one really has a problem with MTV, BET, VH1 or other media outlets "mass communicating" messages through songs, movies, etc that push out the "sex message"...

but, when a "church person"/true believer issues God-sent revelation on the matter, there's a problem. HOW???

My lil cousins, brothers & sisters, etc. are being taught about sex, masturbation, porn & all that by the world because the church as a whole won't stand up on this issue...so, this is retarded for you to ask this...change your perspective my friend....let God show you...He addresses sex a ton in His Word bc we are a society that deals with it constantly.

God bless you!

Ask me anything

Pulpit or no pulpit?

either bro...either

Ask me anything

i love reading the new testament, i've learned a lot from reading it. but when it's time to read the OT, i get sleepy/bored easily, except for psalms and proverbs. is there an 'easier' way to read it?

well, there are many parts of the OT that are interesting as well, particularly I & II samuel, Joshua, Ruth, etc. Sometimes, you have to read it in smaller pieces when it comes to some of the more tough spots of the OT (like Numbers, Leviticus, I Chronicles, etc.)

Ask me anything

i heard you once fell asleep in your car parked in your driveway and slept the night away. Is this true?

very true....

Ask me anything

what do you do at work?

a bunch of stuff...many many tasks

Ask me anything

How many times a day can a person masturbate?

don't know...either way, whether it's one or 100, it's sin every time.

Ask me anything

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What is your Favorite book of the Bible (Currently)? Don't cop out and say all of em.

lol....Psalms is my fav at the moment, with Esther & Proverbs running closely behind

Ask me anything

what is your job ?


Ask me anything

.....you jus retweeted someone who publicly and unshamefully said they drink wine.... just curious as to why you did this??? No hard feelings but just watch what you retweet mayne, you have people lookin up to you

are you serious? didn't know that...let me go check that out....I understand your concern.

Ask me anything

you dun goofed!

what are you talking about?

Ask me anything

wow this is all so judgmental an un christlike (on both sides)

how so? qualify your statement please....I see it on 1-side but not the other

Ask me anything

floyd sayin u could write a book on things u kno is basically doin wat this guy sayes ur doin man......puttin down. its like u gotta get it out there that u have seen all this stuff the church has doen wrong but u tryna act like its in love. get straight

get over whatever hang up you have friend....it's ridiculous...I only mentioned that to relate to him....those who really know me know what I've been through & it's only a point of relation, because one of the worst things that has happened is that ppl have had to hide their hurt for so long....so, it's getting addressed, whether you like it or not. If you feel like that's unforgiveness/bitterness, well you are so off it's ridiculous....

problem is that ppl have dealt with church hurt for years by hiding & feeling wrong that it has happened to them--but where is the healing in that? Personally, I am glad what happened to me happened because it made me better & stronger....but I know I have moved on & forgiven, so it's time for you to let it go friend.

Ask me anything

Jump the shark -> http://tinyurl.com/27opxsg


Ask me anything

this formspring has officially jumped the shark lo.

what does "jumped the shark" mean

Ask me anything

its time...for a new avatar! its scary the mess out of me!

maybe later

Ask me anything

Monday, August 23, 2010

On bitterness (pt6): SUBTLY putting down the church/Stockstills with things U say is a red-alert to people that you still appear to be bitter. If U have really let go, then praise God. I just don't see why U would put someone down if you have rlly let go.

are you really still on this? why are you so insistent about your correctness on this issue. Personally, I know for a fact that you are missing it friend--I know that. It's good that you have really done your best to take your platform & defend whoever it is you are trying to defend, but you really need to let it go.

you still have not addressed the issues that I have brought up with you regarding:

1) who is the "many" that you refer to
2) why you insist on labeling me with bitterness when all you see is stuff like this but never really talk to me personally or hold convos with me
3) you are really blindsided in the way you reference things & you don't see the whole picture. If you really man/woman-up and reveal yourself, then I would clarify what I am saying, but since you won't, I choose not to at this point.
4) at what point have I put anybody down? like really....where do you see that at?
5) why are you still talking about this--you should be trying to reach out to that blogger rather than me...you are on a wild goose chase that means nothing!

Ask me anything

On bitterness (pt5): Floyd, you are missing it brother. Maybe I didn't make it clear enough. What you say (how you word things, what you say overall, etc.) makes it seem as though you are still bitter, but hiding it well. Subtly putting down the church..

no my friend, you are missing it....nothing is hidden....I have stated how I feel & what I know needs to be said. Fact is, I know that I am justified before God in this matter because I have cleared this issue up with Him; so, if you really seeking God & are hearing from the Holy Spirit, just go to your prayer closet on this one....because I know you don't see it clearly. Thanks for your effort though.

Ask me anything

On Floyd's 225br.wordpress.com question response: You could write a book? Really, Floyd? I've known the Stockstills and been going to Bethany all my life and couldn't write anything but the kindness, generosity, and sheer favor that is so evident. (Cont)

I'm done. No sarcasm, but I love you man/woman--I really do. Thanks for your care, but you're a little off on this one. God bless!

Ask me anything

Pt. 2 on Floyd's 225br.wordpress.com response: I think it's obvious that you were hurt by Bethany, Floyd, but you really need to let it go. Your bitterness is VERY evident to many, including myself. You think the 225br poster came to YOUR blog (Cont)

and also, I would love to know who these "many" are that think/feel I am so bitter--none of them have ever talked to me, called me or emailed me either...it's kind of funny to me. You see, these "many" that you refer to are showing their love "in the closet" rather than coming out in the open & sharing it with me.

If you really read my response, the truth is that I didn't really care of the blog--and I actually was defending them, if you really read it correctly...but since you are insistent upon what you feel, you just go ahead & feel that way, because I can't control what you feel.

But, I do know this--I am justified by God through the blood of Jesus. I love Pastor Larry & his entire family; they were a blessing to me for many years & I greatly appreciate ALL THEY DID. But, they are not perfect people, just like you nor I--but they love Jesus & are working to expand His Kingdom...that's why I actually defended them to the blog writer. Yes, I was hurt there, but I forgave & now I have moved on...and so should you!

Ask me anything

sooooo funny

what's so funny?

Ask me anything

Pt. 3 on Floyd's 225br.wordpress.com response: You think the 225br poster came to your blog by accident? No, even he could see your bitterness, man. I'm trying to help you. FORGIVE. LET GO. Floyd I pray you won't go another second without forgiving.(cont)

I really really want to say more, but it bothers me that you even assess this to me & my heart....I am glad that God is my Judge & not you; because it appears that you have rendered a guilty sentence to my account without even really talking to me or really knowing my heart...and to still continue to do it anonymously is totally crass to me--really it is...and you just insist & don't quit. I mean really, why don't you just give it up

IF YOU FEEL THE SPIRIT OF GOD revealed this to you, then email me directly, call me (if you say you really know me) or something...don't keep hiding throwing shots at me like you really trying to help me--be a real brother/sister in Christ...because this is just stupid. Are you a closet Christian or something? I mean really....

Ask me anything

Pt. 4 on Floyd's 225br.wordpress.com response: Mark 11:25, read it. If you think nobody can see your bitterness, think again. We CARE about you, that's why we are warning you. Let it go. Forgive. God be with you if you don't. God bless.

Thanks for taking the time to write me, but honestly, you don't know me--it's obvious. I have buried, forgiven & let go long time ago...where have you been. It's obvious that you obvious have an issue with me maybe because of who you associate with or what you have heard from some people who don't even know half-the-story, let alone the whole thing.

Personally, for you to assess with little knowledge that I am still bitter if totally absurd. I know without a shadow of a doubt that I have left that stuff alone. I don't think I need to explain anything further to you...and because you actually had to put this in 4 parts, it appears to me that you have an issue somewhere & you might need to let some things go yourself my friend.

Love you...but you're off on this one buddy! :)

Ask me anything

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

where do you get your awesome suits?

various places...a website here & there

Ask me anything

What do You about all the negative things being said about the President. It upsets me at times when they try to hold him back and lie about him and call him things that aren't true

pray....II Chron. 7:13-15. If you tried to defend him, your words might fall on deaf ears & you'd waste your breath. He, like all of us, is not perfect & his faults are usually magnified, but there is nothing u can do about it with effectiveness beyond prayer--real prayer--for Him & this country. (see James 5:16-18)

Ask me anything

Torahlessness = Lawlessness

we are not under the law, but under grace....the New Covenant is a "better covenant" according to the Word....

Ask me anything

then why respond at all? Interesting indeed.

yep...it is...

Ask me anything

its not really interesting when a grown man prances around grabbing himself, but whatever floats your boat.

"interesting" for a sarcastic, non-response...didn't care to respond to your question bc I didn't think it merited an answer due to the fact that it was a terrible question to ask....

Ask me anything

do you read the torah!?!

naw...sure don't

Ask me anything

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

225br.wordpress.com check out my blog!

man, that's interesting...you put so much work into attacking them...for what? do you think this will save more souls? I understand that you and many others may have been hurt or whatever by them (and I can speak on that from personal experience too), but what can we gain from publicly attacking other members of the Body?

I could almost write a book on things that I know but if it's not producing godly fruit & saving souls, it would be a waste of time & ultimately sin.

Brother/sister, the good thing that I took from it was that you haven't made a post since Jan, 2010, so it appears the attacking has stopped some, but your blog could be more useful either: 1) making suggestions or 2) speaking empowerment on issues without calling out names. Love you much though--really I do!

Ask me anything

Is/Was micheal Jackson a pervert? he sure did touch himself alot.


Ask me anything

You are officially being reprimanded for #hashtag abuse on twitter.

really? whatever!

Ask me anything

Thursday, August 12, 2010

If a pastor focuses too much on money is the Spirit of God in that church?

could be, but truth is that each situation is different...it's important to judge it carefully and look at/discern how well he/she teaches other topics.

I don't like when pastors minister disproportionately about money, it can quench the Holy Spirit for certain.

Ask me anything

do you go to miracle place church?

nope, have my own church

Ask me anything

Saturday, August 7, 2010

"by your responses you seem to be getting riled up yourself over senseless foolishness. Ignore em, don't answer em, let it go" mmm, Ill take the brothers advice, im not changin your mind nor vice versa.. and i only get 255 characters.. :|

I don't even know what you were saying to attempt to change my mind...and I know who said that--it was a sister, not a brother. But good, glad you see it the best...but, just to let you know, your initial assessment is only 1/3 correct....which denotes a failing grade. :) So, be careful before you speak... God bless!

Ask me anything

Stupid stuff? Your sayin stupid stuff.. Whos side is more valid? Hmm.. You sure do stand up and call me out with no problem, then when asked about ted haggard and homos, you refuse to comment on the abomination.. thats disservice

really? so, you didn't read my last questions when I responded to the whole homosexuality incident. Personally, I know Ted Haggard was wrong in what he did, and I stated that clearly, but I also stated that I know personally that the situation was NOT handled in the best way it could have been...in addition, I think that's what led to him just moving away from the submission to the whole process...and I'll just leave it at that...you must follow this a good bit, but only see it to the slant of what you want to see--and that's what's kind of sad to me. I honestly think Ted Haggard didn't do a great job, matter of fact, a terrible job, on Larry King w/ Jennifer Knapp & that other pastor, but he needs to be restored--many have just written him off & left him & his family. But, I'm sure you know more about how the situation was handled, right?

Well, personally, I love going back & forth with you, but this is pointless--the fact that you are saying whatever you want to say about me is just fine by me, but keep it to yourself...if you think it's true, pray for me then; but don't take up space on here with this foolishness. Me & the people that actually want to read these have better things to do with their time....I would have blocked you long time ago, but had to speak my mind on this one....just too religious for your own good. Love ya!

Ask me anything

you do realize arguing on the internet is so pointless. Why not just ignore the goofballs. You ARE NOT going to change them, and by your responses you seem to be getting riled up yourself over senseless foolishness. Ignore em, don't answer em, let it go.

naw, not getting riled up...only choosing not to block this person because they obviously know me....I'll let this one go in a second, but have a few more words for them....trust me on this one. :)

Ask me anything

How many times do you think being married is accepted by God. I know divorce is never an option for God but sometimes it happens. Do you think being married 3 or even 4 times is a bit much?

yeah, I think 3 or 4 times is a bit much; divorce is a tough thing, but honestly, people go through tough times, and without healing from the Lord in all areas, a person can repeatedly make mistakes, major & minor ones.

Personally, I don't think a real believer would have to go through periods of consistent failure in this area, but I do think that, for instance, if a person has been an unbeliever for much of their life & gotten divorces before Christ, then those things will be forgiven once they come to Christ.

Ask me anything

Somethin stupid? You said I haven't seen you, but I have! Man im not feelin the conviction.. If your saying I have no life, look who's talkin.. Givin anonymous people so called "Advice". You seem a little insecure to, for something thats not a big deal!

I def. not insecure, but honestly, I have gotten emails & other forms of contact with people who have revealed the questions they have asked & thanked me for answering...people who actually have real issues.

As for you, with all the bitter, delusional & single stuff, those are insults that personally are not very Christ-like are Biblical. Honestly, you are not feeling conviction most likely because you really don't have a heart after God--probably just religious & all that...you say it's not a big deal, but honestly, if you call yourself a friend, Christian brother or whatever you think/say you are, you are doing a disservice.

You say it's not a big deal, but you keep stating stupid stuff....I'm def not insecure, because if I was, I would be bothered by all this. Personally, I don't appreciate your idea at "fun" or whatever you call this...this is a disgrace to being a believer--I wish I knew who you were so I could tell you this directly...but obviously, you don't want that....God bless!

Ask me anything

What if your mom's husband (who isnt your father) always LIED to her? IDK what to do. When should I step in and when shouldn't I?

pray 1st--this is a touch situation; don't just rush in to try and talk to your mom...sometimes, I have heard of mom's actually taking the side of the man instead of their children...now, spend some time praying regarding this situation, including praying that the truth of the matter would be exposed to your mom; then, when you feel the time is right, take her out to eat or go riding with her....then, share your heart & give examples or cases where you have proof of the lies...

God will, by the Holy Spirit, guide you through this process. I will pray for you in this matter!

Ask me anything

why would people that can't swim let there kids who also can't swim, SWIM in a river? How retarded is that? they should be charged.

don't know...not the judge in this case...it is sad though...really really sad

Ask me anything

Euhhhhh. Mannn u gotta watch dat Floyd mann! He's a shady cat!

really? how so....I would be interested in your answer...

Ask me anything

"haven't talked to me in the last few months, neither have you really been in your prayer closet much" Actually we spoke very recently, like past two weeks, and I just exited my prayer closet, so there ya go.. decent church service btw..

good for you! well, I actually doubt you have spoken to me in 2 weeks, but ok, I guess...whatever you say...and even if you have, why would you say something as stupid as that?

Also, I still think it's cowardly for you to use this as an avenue to communicate this type stuff with me. Btw, if you praying & really talking to God, why do this--go out in the harvest & do something constructive with yourself...spend time with your family, whatever--but stop wasting my time & the time of others with this...you are simply disgracing our Father in Heaven.

Still love you in the Lord; but, you need to quit OR at least reveal yourself like a REAL Christian brother would! Thanks.

Ask me anything

"haven't talked to me in the last few months, neither have you really been in your prayer closet much" Actually we spoke very recently, like past two weeks, and I just exited my prayer closet, so there ya go.. decent church service btw..

good for you! well, I actually doubt you have spoken to me in 2 weeks, but ok, I guess...whatever you say...and even if you have, why would you say something as stupid as that.

Ask me anything

Friday, August 6, 2010

Have you heard of the dangers of Di-Hydrogen Monixide! it's everywhere! its in our water and our air, what should we do! I just had a test done and its bad in my area. They say its from all the plants. Pray people!!!!


Ask me anything

Why the long face?

just a picture....liked it for the time...

Ask me anything



Ask me anything

Should Christians watch shows like Jerry Springer and Maury?? Wouldn't it kind of go against us as a witness?

I don't think so...I know Christians that do, but it's not that it would go against your witness more than it just puts some crap in your mind/spirit usually....I have watched Maury in the past with a family member because i was spending time with them at their house, and I honest have gained a greater compassion for people, but don't really want to see any of the shows again...what I saw was enough--my spirit hates that stuff

Ask me anything



Ask me anything

hide ya kids! hide ya wife!

I must watch those videos...ppl have been buzzing about them 4 whatever reason....Antoine Dodson, right?

Ask me anything

3 words to describe you floyd....1. Delusion, 2. Bitter, and SINGLE. How do you make it in life?

you don't even know me--but I know where you are from--I would block you, but it appears that I take just as much joy in rebuking your cowardice as I do in answering the more important question.

why don't you be a real man & real Christian for that fact (which, by the way, you aren't acting like at this time) and come find me, call me & confront me in LOVE...something you obviously aren't walking in.

You may think you know me, my heart or whatever, but you obviously haven't talked to me in the last few months, neither have you really been in your prayer closet much, otherwise you would realize that Jesus has a bigger mission for you than to pester me on here....

but, you must realize that one day, your cowardice & you lack of love will be returned to you in greater volumes than you have sown here (you reap what you sow)--God bless you & I love you with the love of Christ.

Ask me anything

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

How many white people came to your church service? Just curious!

2-3...don't remember the exact #

Ask me anything

How many white people came to your church service? Just curious!

maybe 2 or 3...don't exactly remember the #.

Ask me anything

How many white people came to your church service? Just curious!

maybe 2 or 3...don't exactly remember the #.

Ask me anything

Hey bro, thanks for all your doin! These people who keep messin with you are bored, and need to get lives! My question today is this: If im a member of a church, but desire to start my own, should i seek guidance from my pastors? Or just leave?

Seek guidance from your pastors; but in that, be sensitive to the Holy Spirit in your timing in approaching them. God will confirm His direction usually through others around you though; but yes, go to your pastors when the timing is right.

Ask me anything


?????? what???

Ask me anything

FINALLY...your formspring is back!!!!!!

I am glad to be back...I hope the feed finally is going through to facebook. God bless you!

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