Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Season of new, reformed outbreak & All-Star outreaches

Ladies & Gentlemen,

I greet each of you graciously and thank you for reading this information. I am really revved up about what God is doing and I would encourage you to do the same. Let me remind you of the passages of Scripture - I Kings 17:1-2; 18:1-2, 41-46. Here is when Elijah spoke and stated that there would be no rain 'til he gave the word. Now, of course we know, as a prophet, he was in-tune with God's heartbeat and knew what God was saying (as evidence by what happens in I Kings 18:1-2). But, in I Kings 18:41-46, as I highlighted above, you can see that Elijah told his servant to go look 7 TIMES. SEVEN TIMES??? Man, that can be testing, can't it? God told him, and yet he had to go back and look 7 TIMES-that's strange to our comprehension naturally. It could have been even more, but after the 7th time, the servant say what is described simply as "'Behold, a cloud as small as a man's hand is coming up from the sea (18:44).'" So much seeking, so much follow-through, but no manifestation - or so it seemed at first. Now, for three years or so before that time, no rain - I mean nothing, just bone dryness. Encouraging, isn't it? (LoL) But, God had a plan.

Now, let's bring it to us. You and I (many of us I know) have been believing God for certain things, praying harder-than-ever, fighting in spiritual warfare, singing more songs, but.....nothing, absolutely nothing; or, so we thought. Now, this is the appointed time and year that God is saying, "go back-seven times!" Keep going back to look for the smallest evidence that the FULL MANIFESTATION that I promised is now (not later, but NOW) on its way to complete fulfillment in our lives. If you have been walking in God, and pressing toward God more, and you are still around, then it is likely that you are a qualified candidate, by the Cross of Calvary and blood that was shed thereupon, to receive this breakthrough. It could be in relationships, with your job, financial, related to your health, more, or a combination of a few or all of the previously mentioned areas, but regardless, God wants to bless you with it. Keep pressing everybody; you may feel weakened, frustrated and discouraged by the trials and tests of the previous season, but don't worry about that--go in the strength that you have (Judges 6:14), and watch God bring forth the rain.

One thing to highlight though is this - there was a display of God's glory and then a removal of wickedness that took place prior to the falling of the rain. There are areas that God is highlighting in our lives, large and small, that need addressing--and the proper addressing of these things is complete removal and separation from those things. I know many say, "Well, I'm not perfect" or "I need to get my mind right before I can do that" and other similar statements, but let me tell you (while reminding myself) that the grace is most certainly there to get these thing excavated out of our lives (yes, I used EXCAVATED because for some, it's deep stuff that really has to be "dug out" like an actual excavator would). So, all you have to do is say "Yes Lord, I agree and submit - now, grace me to overcome and show me the way!" If you mean it from you heart, it's like you have then signed a contract with God that you have given Him permission to fulfill, with or without you - easy or hard (unless you go back on your heart-felt, sincere confession). We can make it easy folks, or we can go hard, but nevertheless, we GOING....AMEN? AMEN!!!!

In closing, I want to mention something to you that has been on my heart for the last 2 and a half years, and is now looking to be coming to pass; I request your earnest and heartfelt prayers, as well as an openness to participate or be involved in some capacity if the Spirit of the Lord leads you to do so. Year after year, month after month, week after week, we have various events that are worldly/secular in nature that come to our cities and states. Examples would be Bayou Classic (yes, I am a Louisiana resident and proud of it ladies and gents), Super Bowl, Daytona 500, NBA All-Star weekend, SuperBowl, NFL ProBowl, JazzFest, Essence Festival, and the list goes on and on and on. For some of these events, there is a good, and very relative Christian presence that really reaches people, but for most of these events, the church is completely absent. I know that I have heard the excuses like, "the peoples' hearts are not focused on that, so ministry would be ineffective" and other similar statements. But, I want to propose to you some of the closing words of Jesus prior to His departure from earth - Matthew 28:19 says "go and make disciples of ALL nations..." Now, how do you suppose that we do that if we, the Church--the called-out ones, don't go out into areas where they are. Now, others would say, "you can't go to these things or be around them because you will compromise." Let me say this in response to that line of thinking - you don't have to go inside the events themselves, just be in the city, in the open, public areas ready and available for God to use you to do relative ministry. It could be straight evangelism, prayer, worship or whatever - just be available for use. In light of all this that I have just said, I believe that God has (finally - lol) brought out that "cloud the size of a man's hand (I Kings 18:44)" that I needed to see in order to move forward with part of the vision that God placed in my heart. God has impressed me to start hosting/planning/establishing outreach events during some of these events so that we can get the presence of local churches and outreach ministries and organizations more involved in the lives of people right where they are - at these events. You would be suprised of the testimonies of a few people who have gotten saved and radically transformed because a few believers (and I mean it's been only a few) rose up and went out during some of these events, even Mardi Gras, and told some people about Jesus. Specifically, 3 outreaches that are in the process of being worked on now are focused on outreach during the 2008 Olympics in China coming up in August, Bayou Classic outreach 2008 in New Orleans and Phoenix All-Star outreach 2009-which is slated to take place during NBA All-Star weekend 2009 (Feb. 13-15, 2009). All of these events will work with ministries and organizations, both local and national, that want to partner with us to see God's Body - the Church - more active in the lives of people during these times. Unfortunately, it is during these times and events that, in some cases, overall crime and abuse is heightened, the spirit of idolatry and witchcraft (rebellion/lawlessness) is released in a greater way in an area, sin is magnified, young women & men lose their virginity/purity, hearts are turned further away from God, and this list unfortunately goes on and on as well. I am sick of that - how about you? It's time for us to have that takeover mentality and really, truly get tired of the world taking over a city and we go in hiding. Let's reverse this curse and takeover right back. We are launching a campaign/movement called ALL-STAR OUTREACHES through the organization that God lead me to form - Light The Way 2 Him Productions. If you want more info, have questions or want to be a part, let me know. I want to say more, but this blog is long, more later on folk.

I love each of you with the love of the Lord, and may God restore all that the enemy has taken from you. I would love to hear any feedback you may have also. Until next time, take care!!!