Tuesday, August 24, 2010

floyd sayin u could write a book on things u kno is basically doin wat this guy sayes ur doin man......puttin down. its like u gotta get it out there that u have seen all this stuff the church has doen wrong but u tryna act like its in love. get straight

get over whatever hang up you have friend....it's ridiculous...I only mentioned that to relate to him....those who really know me know what I've been through & it's only a point of relation, because one of the worst things that has happened is that ppl have had to hide their hurt for so long....so, it's getting addressed, whether you like it or not. If you feel like that's unforgiveness/bitterness, well you are so off it's ridiculous....

problem is that ppl have dealt with church hurt for years by hiding & feeling wrong that it has happened to them--but where is the healing in that? Personally, I am glad what happened to me happened because it made me better & stronger....but I know I have moved on & forgiven, so it's time for you to let it go friend.

Ask me anything

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