Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My step father is a "Minister" and money always comes up missing, and my mother catches him in lies. Should she leave him and why is he behaving like this if he's supposed to be a man of God??

Well, just because some1 has the label of "Minister" or whatever doesn't mean they are & will live that life. Some people step into ministry before their time--before their character has been tried & proven, and as a result, they fall prey to the enemy & it just makes for bad situations.

Also, some ppl were once at a place in God & went out in the right season of life, but then, the cares of this life got to them & they just chose to go away from God (& some do it without knowing it because they spend more time with people & doing ministry than they do spending time with God).

Now, I don't know which, if any, that your step-dad falls under, but your mom should sit him down & talk to him from the heart & tell him thoroughly about this. Then, if he doesn't listen, go to a minister that you know is walking uprightly, esp one that may know him, and tell them what's going on. Now, make sure this minister is living right, because you should never just share something with someone just because they are a minister, etc. Use discernment. Then, once she tells them, have them & your mom to come together & confront your step-dad in love (always confront with love). Then, see what happnens.

If Godly results are not attained after these two things, then sit him down once more & express to him your desire to help him. He may be going through a rough season & He may have tried to find a way to cope outside of God's perfect will & plan...and this is dangerous. If he is in this type of situation, he should be encouraged to come out & do the right thing. If he doesn't REPENT TRULY & SINCERELY, your mother may need to express to him that she may look into separation (NOT DIVORCE, but just separation). See how he responds to that & take it prayerfully....

I pray this helps you my friend. If you need to ask anything else, please feel free to let me know. God bless!

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