Monday, May 10, 2010

Is it a sin for a Christian to flirt? I don't mean in a sexual overtone type of way, but just to acknowledge that you like someone more than a friend. Without flirting, how can you indicate to someone that you are interested without being a dork about it?

Well, when you think of the word flirt, it really has a bad connotation to it.

Most flirting is done with the intentions to either tease or to put something sexual out there. So, it's all about your motives.

I personally feel that the best thing to do, if you are a man, is to be straight up, express interest in developing friendship, be a person of prayer continually & see what happens. If you are a female, put yourself in position to where if the man did want to pursue you, he could see that he at least has a shot at developing a friendship (i.e. some of you ladies need to STOP playing hard-to-get-->that's not a cool thing; and in the end, you may be the one left out) & be in prayer also that God would protect your heart & guide you in this ordeal.

Great question! God bless you!

Ask me anything

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