Monday, May 31, 2010

why you not answer questions an-e more?

I am...just a little slower than normal...I will get on it...just been a little tied up.

Ask me anything

what's your opinion on sperm doners?

I know it's not God's plan. God desires birth to come out of intimacy....being a sperm donation recipient makes a woman a single mom, leaves the child without a father, and gives birth without commitment--all outside of God's plan.

Ask me anything

Sunday, May 30, 2010

And truthfully Christians don't know who they descend from since most people Choose Christianity and most Muslims and Jews are several generations deep and they know where they are from.

Are you serious? How can you say something so off-the-wall as this. Christianity is actually the 1st religion because it was here 4rm the beginning; now, you may not think about it this way, but it's started off with Judiasm, but then Christ came. The only thing to readjust thinking on is that Jesus said "before Abraham was, I AM." This tells us that Christianity was before all else, because even before creation, God saw the fall of Adam & the need for a Savior. So, Christ has always been & was a part of God's redemptive plan all along. So, Christianity, my friend, is actually older than any other religion.

Ask me anything

Do you think that masturbation is truly a sin? Where in the bible does it actually say that? Also, what about cursing? Curse words are not outlined in the bible.

masturbation is sex with yourself & that's ungodly. It's also an avenue that perpetuates lust, because usually, although you are pleasuring yourself, thoughts about someone else are roaming through the mind--this is fantasy & it's wrong.

Cursing is addressed in James 3; also I Thess. 5:22 speaks of avoiding the appearance of evil. Cursing is a poor witness & would cause people to lose respect for your Christianity.

Ask me anything



Ask me anything

How can I "humble myself"? I often find myself putting down others and exalting myself. I walk with my arms really far out as if I had muscles...but i don't.

like I said in the previous answer, you humble yourself by simply getting with God privately & walking in dependence & reliance on Him.

Ask me anything

I go to a mixed church black and white! I love how the pastor brings god's word forth!But for praise and worship they only play black gospel songs!I'm on the praise team there and I know god want's to take our praise n worship to another level! smh?

see the same response I gave to the last question like this...

Ask me anything

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Through out my life I have been taken advantage of (raped)a few time and I find it hard to not only trust but give myself sexually to my husband...What could I do to get over this barrier so to speak?

Sorry for taking some time to answer this, but wanted to pray & answer when the time was right...

I pray that God would heal you mightily & revolutionize your life through the power of the blood of Jesus!!!

There is no cookie-cutter answer to this issue, but I believe the Word of God gives us answers & solutions even to critical situations.

Here are some things to do to get over this barrier:

1) Exert yourself more in prayer & ask God to heal your heart & help you trust more to those who need/deserve your trust but also ask Him to guard & protect you from people who may not be so trustworthy & could/would burn you down the road.

2) Talk with your husband openly & ask him to pray with you & to be patient with you as you come out of this. Remind him that this is more traumatic than you can understand, but that you are making an effort to come out completely (this way, you communicate to him what the problem is & help him understand you are on the path to coming out & giving yourself to him completely).

3) Ask God to show you who to trust, and start doing small things to invest trust into those relationships. Even test people by giving them small bits of information or something like that, and do it in a way where you can see if they keep it or divulge it...or just let God speak to you through times of prayer & reflection and see who He directs you to.

4) Find ways to spend more non-sexual time with your husband (if that is possible) and do stuff together like exercise, have chats, sit & watch tv, discuss interests/hobbies, etc. Some ppl get so busy with work, kids, etc. (not sure where you are) and fail to really invest time needed to properly build trust, even in a marriage.

God bless you & I pray that this helps. I will be praying for you in the meantime.

Ask me anything

Friday, May 28, 2010

How do I work on being more humble? I hate asking for anything, but there are those times when we all need some help and I have a hard time asking for help when I need it.

well, submitting to God completely is the 1st step to humility, because humanity is geared towards self-dependence/self-reliance. So, once you do that, then you can start from there.

After that, pray for revelation on humility, but you don't have to ask for it, because the Bible commands us to be humble, it doesn't tell us to pray for humility. To be humble, we must 1st know what humility is--humility is total reliance on God for everything. So, that's something that you & I have to just do--we have to work to rely completely on God, because I flesh wants to depend upon self.

Ask me anything

How does God look has anyone ever seen Him?

Well, check out Ezekiel 1 & Revelation 1 & 12....should give some good answers on it.

Ask me anything

If God never sent you a wife would you be mad?

I personally don't believe God would do this because of Psalms 37:4, along with the fact that having a wife & kids is a Godly desire that He puts in there (Gen. 1:28)'s more selfless than people realize--marriage & raising children requires death to self.

But, if He wanted me to go without, I would have to die to myself & do without....might be frustrated at first, but I would get over it.

Ask me anything

How many kids do you want? Would you want your son to be the oldest or your daughter?

I want a son to be the oldest so he can protect the other kids. I would like to have 4 kids--2 boys, 2 girls hopefully (what I was born in & what my dad was born into).

Ask me anything

How do Jews, Muslims and Christian's not believe in the same god if we are all descendants of Abraham? Ishmael and Issac were both his sons. Jews/Christians are descendants of Issac, Muslims of Ishmael.

because Jesus is the KEY--although Muslims, Jews & Christians have similar roots, without Jesus, Jews & Muslims go down a different path than Christians.

Without Jesus, there is truly NO God. The Word says that my friend. (John 14:9 is one of many references to review).

God bless you!

Ask me anything

hello. im wandering if u think it is rite for a 'leader' to require me to ask dem for their approval for me to have a girlfriend. i know counsel is good but i dont want ppl runnin my life.

I think this is a very interesting question simply because I have heard of situations where this has happened & I have also heard of situations where the opposite happens--no involvement from leadership...and I think that both extremes are WRONG.

Leaders/pastors should never have the right to dictate the actions of any believer, because Jesus is Lord, NOT pastors or leaders. BUT, at the same time, our pastors & leaders should have input in our lives & decisions, because we do need godly counsel. They shouldn't be so independent of us that they say nothing at all.

So, to answer your question, it is NOT RIGHT for a leader to require you to ask them for approval in a relationship, because you should have enough relationships with the Holy Spirit to make right decisions--that's what they are there to help you perfect. Jesus should be "running" your life as Lord, not a person.

Ask me anything

I go to a mixed church black and white! I love how the pastor brings god's word forth!But for praise and worship they only play white christian rock!I'm on the praise team there and I know god want's to take our praise n worship to another level! smh?

Well, pray that God would open the pastor & worship leader's eyes...that's the only thing you can do--otherwise, you either sing or get out of the praise team.

also, you may want to sit down with the worship leader, if you feel like the Lord is leading you, and share some of your ideas. You never know--God may use you to recommend some things that will be applied either now or in the near future. God bless you & remain faithful!

Ask me anything

I am always curious how they have certain people who say they believe in God but not the Devil. What should we tell people when we hear this?

well, the best thing you can tell them is that the same God that they say they believe in (if they believe in the God of the Bible) is the same God who said the devil exists & the demons believe in God.

Ask me anything

My boyfriend recently broke up with me. He said his pastor made him realize he needs to get his life together before he can be with me...I don't understand why he can't get his life together and be wit me?...I mean ever since we broke up he still calls

Well, to be honest, because I don't know the details of the situation, I can't tell you why he and/or his pastor feel like he can't get his life together and be with you at the same time.

Here are my thoughts though based on what I hear, sense & feel from you:

1) "get his life together" can really speak about many things--it can relate to him & his finances, his devotion to God, his level of balance in all things, and even his sexuality. Anything in those areas that is out-of-priority can results in not maximizing who he is...which could call for a break in the relationship.

2) Your ex-bf may have problems that go deeper than what you know; so, although you may feel good about everything, the godly counsel in his life may see something that you don't see.

3) Him still calling you may not be the best, but most good relationships are built on a good friendship, which may be the reason why he still calls. If you are having trouble dealing with that emotionally (i.e. him calling but ya'll not being together), then tell him that & ask for space.

4) Pray & ask God if this is the person for you; and if it is, ask Him to guide you guys back together. Be patient, persist in prayer & use this time to draw closer to the Lord. Because truthfully, there is no need to be in a relationship where you are just being bf & gf but there is no real pursuit of marriage between the 2.

5) Pray that this is the best way, because sometimes, Christians can get "over-zealous" and employ methods that may be going beyond the call of duty but are not requirements of the Lord. And sometimes, pastors/leaders push these agendas that are such & so but did not consult them with the Holy Spirit's specific counsel on the situation. So, even though you don't understand & even though you may not agree, pray that, if this above is the case, that God, in His timing, would correct the situation supernaturally.

Ask me anything

what is ur opinion on naturists, the people who live in the open and live nude at home, at nude beaches and at nude clubs?

I don't think it right.....I don't like it & I don't think it's Biblical either. If Adam & Eve covered up after they sinned--in the midst of the fact that they were used to being naked, all mankind should too.

Ask me anything

I just saw your answer to your Muslim question....what do you mean their God? Is Ishmael not the son of Abraham....Jews, Christians and Muslims serve the same God.

Jews, Christians & Muslims do NOT serve the same God. Some think they do, but it's a grave, unverifiable misconception.

Ask me anything

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Do babies go to heaven as adults? What about children, do they?

I believe so, because there is really no NATURAL AGE when we cross over....understanding & revelation is all the same, everything's perfect. So, all will understand to the same degree

Ask me anything

how do you explain aliens? are they mentioned in the Bible or is this a question we may have to save for when we get to Heaven? lol

well, don't have an explanation for aliens in totality, but I do believe that some of what ppl have seen in regards to seeing aliens is actually spiritual--angelic & demonic.

There is no Biblical mention about alien life and/or life in outer space, so that's what I feel about the situation.

Ask me anything

Monday, May 24, 2010


I personally wouldn't use this approach, but the better approach is to lift up Jesus & that's when "all men will be drawn." so, if they attacked me for lifting up Jesus & not lifting up their god, then Jesus said that I would be persecuted, so I wouldn't be all that surprised.

The main approach in the situation is to focus more on who & what Jesus IS & not what the other god(s) is/are not

Ask me anything

If someone has hurt or talked about you so bad in the past...I know the right thing to do is to forgive and ask for forgiveness if you have done anything. If they dont accept it, are u supposed to do anything else?

no, there's nothing else that you can do...if they don't accept your repentance, then you can't do anything else but pray for them--because if they choose to hold bitterness against you, then they are in a bad place & really need prayer & help. Pray for them...

Ask me anything

why does God allow still births to occur and also miscarriages? Why would the baby be conceived in the first place? Do those babies go to heaven?

The Bible says that the rain falls on the just & unjust alike. And honestly, there are things that take place in our society that really are more of a reflection of sin & its impact on mankind rather than God's lack of participation or protection for people.

I do believe that those babies do go to Heaven because they were never given a chance to mature & make a decision.

God allows bad things like this to also help push His people into a greater place of prayer & intimacy with Him, while also drawing those who are not His to true repentance.

Great question!!!

Ask me anything

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back off ma boy Floyd, religious imposter! You seem to be under the impression that Floyd only does "online" stuff for God. Back me up here Floyd, but ya boy is preaching the gospel on the street and in the real world as well!

yeah--this is the case. But, I am not trying to prove myself to anyone...just tired of ppl (that I think I know) questioning me & vexing me behind foolishness...and I just pray God would deal with them. As for me, I am moving forward with the Lord....thanks 4 the back-up homie

Ask me anything

5,000 friends??? I mean really??? You dont know HALF of those people. WHAT do you do with your time ALL day long?? Everytime I log on I see a post from you...WHO updates their status THAT much???

what is that a concern 2 u....I know exactly what I am doing & there is a purpose behind it. I am honestly tired of ppl like you having an opinion on what I do--if you HAVE A PURPOSE, GO FULFILL IT & STOP WORRYING ABOUT MINE.

i KNOW what God speaks to me about & I follow the lead of that....question Him & stop sending me these DUMB MESSAGES...and I know where you are from....religious imposter!

Ask me anything

how did evolution come about anyway? what's up with completely putting creation aside and rationalizing it in your own mind? how does breastfeeding work so flawlessly? how about baby's organs forming??

these are all great questions...obviously, the handy work of our Lord is responsible for the last 2 questions....but evolution is something that man figured in his mind to help him think of a way of how things progressed without God's involvement. For ppl who try to convince themselves that God isn't real, they must find a way to believe something without God being involved.

Ask me anything

Have you ever had corn rolls?


Ask me anything

Boston or Orlando?

Orlando in 5

Ask me anything

Why are some spirits "stuck" on earth? Like people claim to see them, communicate with them, etc. Are those ppl actually seeing spirits or demons?

don't believe in this at all...I don't believe spirits are stuck on the earth....those are angels or demons

Ask me anything

IS it true that the bible is made up of only 26 letters?

not that I know of...but I do believe that the Hebrew alphabet has between 22 & 24 letters

Ask me anything

do you believe in numerology?

yeah, from a Biblical perspective...I do believe that certain #s mean certain things in certain settings

Ask me anything

if we didnt have the law, wouldnt we not have sin?

true, but the law came because of sin (i.e. Adam & Eve's sin)

Ask me anything

who is the narrater in acts?


Ask me anything

How Can We Accurately Define Sin if We Deny God’s Law?

Well, we have to have balance because we can't have so much grace that we don't have standards, BUT we also can't have so much LAW that we fail to walk in peace & God's grace--because works don't save us.

So, to answer your question, we cannot do's not really possible.

Ask me anything

i dunno what's wrong with natural male enhancement, i mean people do all kinds of stuff thats not natural, ie: hair spray, fungal creams, pap smears, wart remover, bunyan pads, corn rows, i could go on and on.

just my feelings on it....nothing Scriptural on it at this point, but that's just what I feel

Ask me anything

Do you believe people in heaven see and communicate with people living on earth?

for the most part--no. that can create problems & direct ppl's attention off God & onto those ppl in a wrong, usually, this doesn't happen

Ask me anything

also, i think it's wrong when people are having fun and laugh a lot and just because they're laughing, they LABEL it the joy of the Lord.

I agree...that's usually more silliness than joy of the Lord

Ask me anything

What do you think about the laughing movement? The 'joy of the Lord'. Do you think people take it too far with the laughing? I don't think joy is a single burst of

yea, people do take it too far, but that happens with anything that is of God--ppl can take it too far.

Ask me anything

pt 2. ...laughter. It is a permanent state. It's a fruit of the Spirit. It just seems that sometimes people just do it because it's the 'thing to do'.

I agree...I think the laughter movement is godly BUT some do get caught up in more of the emotional aspects of it, not the real inspiration of the Spirit.

Ask me anything

will we be eating animals when there is the new heavens and new earth (reading in Isaiah this morning)... will we be driving cars or will jesus have a better system? what kind of jobs will we have??

all great questions...ones that I don't have answers for :)

Ask me anything

is it wrong for a girl to invite a guy to a social? is that considered intiating?

I don't think that's wrong but I think it could be 'off' if the girl tries to initiate an actual relationship itself. "A man that finds a wife...(Prov. 18:22)."

Great question

Ask me anything

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My step father is a "Minister" and money always comes up missing, and my mother catches him in lies. Should she leave him and why is he behaving like this if he's supposed to be a man of God??

Well, just because some1 has the label of "Minister" or whatever doesn't mean they are & will live that life. Some people step into ministry before their time--before their character has been tried & proven, and as a result, they fall prey to the enemy & it just makes for bad situations.

Also, some ppl were once at a place in God & went out in the right season of life, but then, the cares of this life got to them & they just chose to go away from God (& some do it without knowing it because they spend more time with people & doing ministry than they do spending time with God).

Now, I don't know which, if any, that your step-dad falls under, but your mom should sit him down & talk to him from the heart & tell him thoroughly about this. Then, if he doesn't listen, go to a minister that you know is walking uprightly, esp one that may know him, and tell them what's going on. Now, make sure this minister is living right, because you should never just share something with someone just because they are a minister, etc. Use discernment. Then, once she tells them, have them & your mom to come together & confront your step-dad in love (always confront with love). Then, see what happnens.

If Godly results are not attained after these two things, then sit him down once more & express to him your desire to help him. He may be going through a rough season & He may have tried to find a way to cope outside of God's perfect will & plan...and this is dangerous. If he is in this type of situation, he should be encouraged to come out & do the right thing. If he doesn't REPENT TRULY & SINCERELY, your mother may need to express to him that she may look into separation (NOT DIVORCE, but just separation). See how he responds to that & take it prayerfully....

I pray this helps you my friend. If you need to ask anything else, please feel free to let me know. God bless!

Ask me anything

2. from PRIDEFUL and speak out the Truth because you love people with the love of Jesus. I love you as person for this..stay blessed Floyd :)

amen! Thanks...and I am more blessed after these 2 messages & also because God has allowed me to be persecuted for doing the right thing & yet I have stood. Thanks for your encouragement.

Ask me anything

Dont listen to those rude people "trying" to attack you. You know where you stand and so does God...thats all that matters...for the rest of us..we love your formspring and know you speak with the wisdom God has placed on your heart..we know you are far

thanks....I really appreciate this greatly! This is my heart...I want to help others

Ask me anything

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

If you are still debating the right or wrong of alcohol consumption, I'd seriously recommend reevaluating your christian walk. (not you floyd)

I understand...and your statement is justifiable & is something that the person that asked the question should consider. But, I say that with all love & compassion. God bless you all!

Ask me anything

What is your PERSONAL opinion on alcohol consumption in moderation? Bethany teaches very strict doctrine and seems to disapprove of alcohol consumption completely but what is your opinion? Would you have a problem with someone in your cell group drinking?

Great question: here is my legitimate personal opinion, based on my view from Scripture:

1) I Thess. 5:22 -- "avoid the appearance of evil." In most cases, whether public or private, drinking will bring a stumbling block on your personal Christian witness. Some people will go as far as to call you a hypocrite, even if you don't get drunk. So, in every case, it's usually best to avoid it altogether.

2) Drinking usually is one of those things that most people don't have self-control with. And, it only takes one time of getting drunk, even if you have walked in self-control for 5 years, to destroy all that you have worked for with your drunkenness causing you to do something outside of appropriate character.

3) What is the benefit of alcohol consumption? Even in a casual/social setting, alcohol drinking is a selfish move at best because it has NO PERSONAL OR CORPORATE BENEFIT. So, the personal who socially drinks BUT IS CHRISTIAN is really thinking & acting selfishly in many ways.

4) Point: My thoughts are not based on Bethany BUT on God's Word & His heart. Also, I would have a problem with someone in my group drinking because of all the things I said above, but I WOULD NOT try to dictate what they do through control...that's NOT God. I would give them the Word, hold them accountable, but still allow them to operate in their free will. God is responsible for the increase.

5) Avoid trying to use cultural justification to permit yourself to feel ok about alcoholic consumption. Go to the Word of God, pray, etc.

6) We ALL HAVE INFLUENCE!!! So, your actions speak volumes to people. And, although you may be strong enough to handle something, those you influence may not be able, you may be causing someone to stumble (which the Bible tells us not to do--II Cor. 8).

Thanks for the question!

Ask me anything

Monday, May 10, 2010

Is it a sin for a Christian to flirt? I don't mean in a sexual overtone type of way, but just to acknowledge that you like someone more than a friend. Without flirting, how can you indicate to someone that you are interested without being a dork about it?

Well, when you think of the word flirt, it really has a bad connotation to it.

Most flirting is done with the intentions to either tease or to put something sexual out there. So, it's all about your motives.

I personally feel that the best thing to do, if you are a man, is to be straight up, express interest in developing friendship, be a person of prayer continually & see what happens. If you are a female, put yourself in position to where if the man did want to pursue you, he could see that he at least has a shot at developing a friendship (i.e. some of you ladies need to STOP playing hard-to-get-->that's not a cool thing; and in the end, you may be the one left out) & be in prayer also that God would protect your heart & guide you in this ordeal.

Great question! God bless you!

Ask me anything

Saturday, May 8, 2010

My ex husband and I have a child together and he is deployed so I talk to him on a regular basis although I dont like to. Its because he always dwells on our past relationship. The convos tend to bring back bitterness how can I keep it out??

Well, you may want to find points of joy that will help you swift the conversation. You may also want to magnify the Lord & talk about the Lord a little more & even share things that God puts on your heart.

Also, when that bad stuff comes up, do your best to shift the focus to like prayer and how ya'll should pray for each other & your child together.

Prayer really does change things (James 5:16-18), but it must be done with persistence & passion, esp when it's one-on-one with God.

Ask me anything

Friday, May 7, 2010

How do you handle a friend that just told you he renounced his Christianity?

pray for them & really ask God to open their eyes. that's the 1st thing to start with, because salvation is something that requires God to open our eyes.

Also, love on them with compassion & serve them. Don't get too preachy with them, but just plant seeds...then watch what God will do

Ask me anything

would you marry her if she had genital warts or herpes?

well, although this seems like a tough question, if God put me in a situation like this, then I would believe Him for healing for her.... but that's only IF i was put in this situation....

Whatever was done in the past may have consequences, but truly God is STILL IN THE HEALING BUSINESS & HE CAN heal std', if God sent me a woman & I later found out that she had one of these after we talked about it (which I would hope she would tell me before we got engaged, being that we won't have sex until after marriage), then I would take the issue to God in prayer, believing God for healing, then see what He wants me to do from there.

Great question!!!

Ask me anything

i was sexually active before becoming a christian. as a result of this im kind of insecure about ever getting married. are men that are virgins not interested in women like me? would you marry a woman who had been sexually active prior to salvation?

Now, I really love this question--I LOVE THIS QUESTION...this is real stuff here.

Now, I understand your insecurity from a natural perspective, BUT you must know that God is a God of redemption & you would be surprised at how many men who may either be virgins or have been sexually pure for quite some time are not dead-set/hades-bent on getting a virgin, because they too realize that they have sin they were forgiven of too. If someone is washed in the blood, then God can surely wipe away their past sexual transgressions & redeem them.

To answer your 2nd question, I would marry a woman who has been sexually active prior to salvation if that's who God wanted me to be with. As long as she is determined to walk in purity while we are dating/courting & she is serious about God.

don't be insecure sister, because God has a plan for you--and He also is working on your future mate while He is working on you. Just take your time, don't rush & allow God to send the man. Also, just because the man is a virgin doesn't mean he's the best thing for you...but sometimes, it's definitely a good choice.

If you have any other questions/comments about this, please let me know. God bless you & I am praying for you...can't wait to hear your testimony of how/when you get married.

Ask me anything

Thursday, May 6, 2010

what does it mean to be insecure? how would you know if you were insecure?

To be insecure means you lack a sense of personal or self-security about your life.

Some of the ways that you may see insecurity in your life is by the following:
1) You base decisions heavily on the opinions of others.
2) You walk in fear, especially of rejection.
3) you feel continually uncertain of yourself and/or your decisions.

Ask me anything

Hey, Floyd. I just watched The Truth About Hip Hop. One part, the preacher builds a case that satan is homosexual or that the antichrist is a homosexual. That actually doesn't sound beyond reason but I've never heard that before. Do you have an opinion?

well, my opinion is that this is somewhat accurate, as the devil is a combination of all the wicked spirits combined--not just one or the other. He's a perverted, lying, cheating, stealing, foolishness, deviant lunatic trying to get us to follow his lead because misery loves company.

Ask me anything

why is it that educated women get married later on in life? do you think women should go to college? is this the reason why so many christian women (with degrees and careers) are single? do you think this is contradictory to Gods role for women?

Well, this is a great ? & topic of discussion. I have actually watched this area & there is some concern I have....but 1st, to answer your ?s from my vantage.

My opinion & view is that educated women get married later in life because they tend to focus more on their careers and it gives them little room to meet a quality man that they can trust & that they can get to know apart from their occupational world, which hinders her from being able to connect in a deep way--the way necessary--with many/any men.

I do think women should go to college, because it's an all-around experience that affords men & women the opportunity to get educated naturally & spiritually (through church attendance, Bible study attendance, etc.), socially & emotionally (i.e. holistic development). But, college is NOT necessary for everybody, but it is a good experience that each person should consider.

Going to college & being a career person is not necessarily against God's role for women, but it's just that so many women have negative social & relational experiences in college that they just dive into their careers & don't look left or right partly because of the past pain and/or fear of getting hurt again.

Now, here are my thoughts:
-->I think that so many women have grown up either without GOOD father figures and/or seeing and/or experiencing bad things with men, that they use their "careers" as a defense mechanism because they just don't want to get hurt (again). They figure if they just dive into their careers head-1st & don't really look up, then they will avoid any remote possibility of hurt. This is unhealthy because they may be delayed or miss out on God's best because of fear or negativity. Also, so many women have been told by men today that if they got with them, they would have to work & hold up their end--there aren't too many housewives these days, when that should be a treasured role in the family structure. I personally value the role of wives being housewives & stay at home moms because that is one of the reasons why me & so many other kids can develop strong academic skills at a young age.

Thanks for this question...I hope for a solid discussion around this post.

Ask me anything

My kid just told me he has imaginary friends. I don't want to be superspiritual, but in a way I don't feel comfortable with that. Seems like a demonic open door. But maybe I'm just tripping. What do you think about kids and imaginary friends?

I really think it's rather harmless, because it's more imaginary than demonic. It is usually a passing phase as well--it doesn't last long.

You aren't being superspiritual, but you are being a concerned parent who wants to figure about if this is something to be concerned with. Thanks for asking.

now, if your child plays with something that is related to witchcraft or something like that, like a ouiji board or something like that, then that's another story....

Personally, just pray about it & God will give you special wisdom for this case b/c every case is different.

Ask me anything

Please see the following about a young man leaving bible study and got hit by a stray He was studying the word then this happens....What is your opinion on why God allowed this to happen?

Honestly, there are never real solid answers when it comes to something like this unless God speaks directly regarding the situation.

Many times, even coming out of church or Bible study, we still have to be careful to listen to God & follow the Holy Spirit in what we do. But, we also have to consider that sometimes the devil will try to find ppl who are seeking God & attack them.

This story saddens my heart, but it is certainly true that bad things can happen to good families.

also, consider this: the young man went to this prayer group with his mother, but who's to say that he went because he wanted to go vs. he went b/c his mom went.

There are so many things to be considered.

Ask me anything

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

hay,posser! floids formspring kwestun askurs arr Not dumb? wEe arr smartt an educate!. lEave Floids ' posturs allown.thanx

just so ppl can see what I get in here......God bless you--whoever you are.

Ask me anything

The title of a song being "God bless you anyway" seems a bit repulsive to me. We should just say "God bless you" to ALL people regardless of their beliefs, practices, customs, or even what can perceived by some as dumb, inappropriate or selfish actions

search the song on myspace & you will find the message very relevant, esp. in light of what is going on here.

God bless you anyway says God bless you despite your desire to tear me down, frustrate me, discourage me, etc.

check the song out when you can--and you'll see.

Ask me anything

Yes, please tell your audience they are retarded. thanks.

God bless you anyway!

Ask me anything

why do all the people asking questions have such horrible spelling and grammar? Your audience is pretty dumb. My apologies about that.

Well, since you wanted to put this up, I just want MY AUDIENCE to know that you have said this about them....that way, they can pray for you...because it's absurd that you would insult them like this....

"God bless you anyway" -- title of a song via NuVessel (Jeremy Anderson)

Ask me anything

PART 2 OF THE WEDDING QUESTION...SORRY FORMSPRING WAS ACTING UP: as far as the reception is concerned knowing they will expect alcohol or secular music?

I figured you were going here with your question...did you see my answer--I addressed what you just asked in my initial answer.

Look on my profile on facebook or the one on here. Let me know. God bless you & thanks for asking!

Ask me anything

I am engaged and in the process of planning our wedding! We are both christians but there is one thing we are coming up against.Everyone in our family is not a christian or dont live a Christ like lifestyle.How should we cater 2 our family..cont'd

Well, I personally would not compromise (this is AN EXCELLENT QUESTION BY THE WAY)

So, you should just do your wedding the way God shows you & your husband to do it. And, as for the reception, NO ALCOHOL ON YOUR PART & use good, godly music. If your family likes rap, blues, jazz, whatever, find Christian artists (and there are plenty of quality ones today) who are similar to certain worldly artists & use their stuff.

Don't let your family pressure you to do something that you know in your spirit wouldn't please God--follow your convictions.

If you want more insight, let me know...but this is what I felt in my heart to share. God bless you richly & I am praying for you.

Ask me anything

How do you meditate in God's word?

The best way to meditate on God's Word is to read the Word, then read it slowly & read it again...then allow your mind to envision what you are reading. Allow your spirit to envision the Word in your mind & heart.

Ask me anything

why are people compleat and utter idots when they know good and dog on well that they were brought up in a better enviroment then the one they are acting?

yeah--I wish they momma's could see

Ask me anything

Allow me to answer some questions. Let's begin, shall we? Fact: Floyd has gone on a real date. FALSE. Fact: Floyd is in a relationship. FALSE. Fact: Chivalry refers to a knighted men at arms during the medieval era. TRUE.

you took great effort to go through this, right? :)

I wonder what your hobby or ministry is....

Ask me anything

Monday, May 3, 2010

explain this "pure chivalry movement" that youre trying to start. I know what chivalry is, but whats the "movement" thing about???

will say more about it's gonna be a great thing. just wait & see.

Ask me anything

You're a very precious man of God. Its clear there some idiots on here asking u dumb questions and u not answering them as graciously as before. U r awesome, this a great tool for ministry and God is really using u. Don't let them jerks wear on ur spirit.

thanks...they are surely trying...but they will find out that God will get after them one day...even though this is slightly petty, I pray mercy for them.

but, in the Old Testament, some kids messed with one of the prophets (42 kids to be exact) & 2 she-bears came & ate them up....interesting...

Ask me anything

When a man has to make a decision that makes him choose between wife or family...which should come first? Wife or family?

the 2 shall become "1".....

Ask me anything

Did you go on a REAL DATE yet??? I remember somebody asked you this a while back, and you said you were taking a girl on a date soon, and I want to know if you went and if not WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?????

that's for me to know & you to find out

Ask me anything

why is it necessary for you to have 2 twitter accounts and facebook, and this question thing like youre a celebrity?? whats the deal with that?

why is that a concern of yours? I am not acting like anything--I am taking advantage of the resources God has given to advance His purposes & causes.

You would be surprised how many people are reached when you take advantage of these avenues.

God bless you!

Ask me anything

Are you FINALLY in a relationship with a girl????

that's for me to know & you to find out

Ask me anything

I sent u a ques b4 about being in an abusive relationship but I have another now. How do I remain in God's will while being separated until the divorce?

The main thing is that you need to:
1) strengthen your prayer life--keep pressing harder into the Lord. You will need the comfort & guidance.

2) Don't rush into connecting with another man because the devil could have you fall into temptation.

3) Connect with other Christians, and develop a deep connection with at least 1 other person of the same gender that can help counsel you, pray with you & minister to you.

4) Ask God to show you how to use this as ministry, but don't rush into helping others, as you need to completely heal up emotionally.

Ask me anything

I sent u a ques b4 about being in an abusive relationship but I have another now. How do I remain in God's will while being separated until the divorce?

The main thing is that you need to:
1) strengthen your prayer life--keep pressing harder into the Lord. You will need the comfort & guidance.

2) Don't rush into connecting with another man because the devil could have you fall into temptation.

3) Connect with other Christians, and develop a deep connection with at least 1 other person of the same gender that can help counsel you, pray with you & minister to you.

4) Ask God to show you how to use this as ministry, but don't rush into helping others, as you need to completely heal up emotionally.

Ask me anything

what if you never get married?

I don't have to worry about that.

Ask me anything

I'm jealous of you, how can i overcome this stumbling block?

pray :)

Ask me anything

I worry about your sanity. I shall pray for you?

thanks...just for you posting this, I wonder about yours as well. :) God bless you!

Ask me anything

I get super jealous in my relationship because of fear of being abandoned or cheated on and just a general lack of trust and I need help controlling my jealousy and how to get over my trust issues? Any Suggestions?

Well, here is what I would recommend in this case:

1) Take your trust issues to the Lord 1st & ask Him to help you through this, because everything starts & ends with our relationship with the Lord.

2) In the right time, sit your partner down & talk with them & be completely honest with them about your feelings--basically telling them what you have just told me above. See how they respond.

3) Give your partner opportunities to show you that they can be trusted.

4) Take authority over the influences of the devil in your life that make you feel this when. When in prayer, go from asking God, to commanding that spirit (of fear of rejection & jealousy) to thanking God for the victory.

If you need anything else, let me know. God bless you.

Ask me anything

Sunday, May 2, 2010

ive been a christian for a while, but im still offended by white people who ask questions like "why do black people...?" like im the spokesperson for all black people. am i racist?

no, you are not racist, but you are just irritated by others asking questions that are race-related.

You may want to check your attitude to make sure that there isn't another attitude there in your character later on.

Ask me anything

have you ever been tested for high IQ?

nope...never took the test

Ask me anything

Ive just found out im preg. do you truly believe God knows about EVERY baby and plans his or her parents...even out of wedlock????

yes, God does know about every baby & situates how they are born into this world, even selecting the parents.

Now, when children are born out of wedlock, although it isn't God's best, God still births children where they need to be for the fulfillment of divine purpose--because we all know God can take a tough situation & make it great
(--i.e. there are many great, godly ppl who were born out of fornication--God can redeem that)

Ask me anything

Saturday, May 1, 2010

ive known about the frat/sorority issue for a while now. im always intrigued by how people justify them though. how can you, as a "christian" be apart of an organization that clearly operates in contradiction to Jesus?

interesting thoughts my friend...I want to see what comments will come on this one. Do others have quality justification for this? Let's see...

Ask me anything

When its time to pay my tithes & offering at church I feel guilty because I dont have it!! Am I wrong for feeling this way? I pay my tithes when I'm able to but as for I pay what I can when I can but I still feel like I'm doing something wrong!

well, it depends on what you pay...some ppl say they pay tithes but yet it is not quite 10%...

You should pay your tithe each time you get paid, and do your best to pay it 1st, before you pay anything else. That's not because your church needs it, but because the enemy tries to distract us & keep us from walking in God's FULL BLESSING, so we have to stop him by being COMPLETELY OBEDIENT (Malachi 3:8-11).

Now, if you are feeling bad because of ppl, that's the devil; but if you are being convicted by God, then it's good that you feel that way. Either way, you should pay your 10% (off the gross, not the net--because God deserves to get 10% of what you make before taxes are taken out).

Thanks for asking this question. God bless.

Ask me anything

Ok i know "white people" are drug addicts too,in jail, etc. but why do you think majority of inmates are black& hispanic? i think our african american community needs a huge outreach. maybe its the media???

Well, it's really all in the way you look at it, but from a reality perspective, people who have money usually are able to hire the right legal representation, which results in them being able to get deals & such.

Although this NOT COMPLETELY a race issue, public defenders are NOT the best legal option for people, which is why many minorities that are well off financially have trouble, because public defenders don't always do the best job of defending the rights...

a good legal representative can usually help ppl with loopholes, and many times you will have ppl get off, lesser fines or less time because of what is called "minor technicalities."

There are so many other things to say, but these are my initial thoughts for now.

Ask me anything

Can you explain the trinity?

Well, the trinity is made to be more complex than God intended for it to be expressed. It's like this--God is 1, but He operates in 3 capacities are functions, all unified but distinct.

The first is Father & Creater,
the 2nd being Son & Savior,
the 3rd being Holy Spirit & Comforter

Now, it's like h2o can be solid (ice), liquid (water) & gas (steam), so God has the same element base, but just different form. And each form has a different manifestation & different responsibility/duty.

Ask me anything

what would you do if you hate a friend who had serious self esteem issues and hated how he or she looks? would you lift them up, what if it continued for a while? should you still be his or her friend?

be patient with them, pray for them & believe God for them to be lifted up in confidence (not pride--confidence--there's a difference).

Be their friend & give them God's perspective...things will change in time.

Ask me anything

read this... if someone tells you that sex is sin, and shows you the scripture in the bible, than we believe it. so its clearly the devil that blinds people so they wont believe the truth about these orgs...

I read it...great testimony...I will read it again later on....

Ask me anything

What if a person who is not in their right mind (i.e. bipolar or schizophrenic (sorry if that's mispelled) or something of that nature) kills themselves, do they go to hell for taking their own lives or does God have mercy on them bc of their sickness?

well personally, I feel like they wouldn't, but this is a hard question

the Bible says "to whom much is given, much is required." So, those who have that right frame of mind are responsible, while those who aren't aren't held as liable.

But there is also a responsibility on the church to have/walk in more of the power of God so that ppl like this can be delivered.

Ask me anything

(part2) and ive tried 2 explain to her no christian is "untouchable" because of their "works" lol

please resend this question

Ask me anything

Why do Christians not obey Jesus' commands? In John 2-3 the bible states "We know if we come to know [Jesus] if we obey his commands. The man who says, "I know him," but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not with him."

you are right Lee...people are many times deceived to think they are serving God, when in actuality they aren't. The Bible says in Matt. 15:8-9 that "they honor me with their mouths, but their hearts are far from me..."

85% of America says it's Christian, but look at the moral state of our think that percentage is correct?

Jesus said "you will know Mine by the fruit that they bear." So, just like some people in this life who try to say they "know" certain ppl (athletes, movie stars, politicians, etc.), when in actuality they are only from the same hometown or just saw them at a venue & that's it--the same way ppl front about knowing God when they don't even read the Bible & pray much.

Now, many would say this sounds judgmental, but God calls us to have discernment & know the truth--so this is just stating & pointing out the facts.

Ask me anything

Is it a sin to be on birth control??? Even if you are not financially stable?

well, I will put it like this...I have mentioned a strong stance in the last few days that I will only slightly retract because I prayed a little harder on the situation.

No matter what state a couple is in, they should pray about whether or not birth control is an option for them--money or no money, because God is not controlled by money. The sin comes in when people just assume God wants them to do a certain thing because those resources are available to them. So, even though birth control is available in our society, people sin when they don't take their issue to God & ask His counsel.

Even when money is tight, if a couple is tithing & obeying God, God will lead them to what to do & the best route to take--they just have to pray & trust Him.

Ask me anything

If you had a female friend and she hated being african american and always showed jealousy towards you because u were mixed raced(wierd i know) would u leave her alone, or help her to love herself. I feel she is so negative but shes my friend?

help her love herself & share with her Scriptures that relate to self-esteem & all (Ps. 139:13-15).

It may be weird to you or me or some others, but some people have situations & circumstances that take place in their lives that cause them to feel the way they, don't be discouraged with her, but be patient.

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