Monday, April 26, 2010

Y do some so called Christains get mad or stop talking to u if u cant come to church or havent been coming? Its like they "cut u off" is this god like? & does god tell them 2 do it?????

because some Christians (and/or "churchgoers claiming to be Christians) feel as though they are above everyone, and mask it in the name of "holiness." So, for some of them, it's dead wrong.

But, for some, it's a thing of them sincerely being "holy" and not wanting to be influenced by the world (I Cor. 15:33 -- "bad company corrupts good morals") & worldly vices. And esp. when a person is just coming out of a certain sin or out of the world altogether, they must separate so that they don't fall back.

So, to answer the last question, sometimes, God tells people to stop talking to ppl, while at other times, those ppl are being influenced by religion & self-righteousness.

Don't be discouraged by this--if you have been a person victimized by this, be encouraged, because I know what it's like to see ppl "stiff-armed" by church folks & in some cases, it's wrong....but, may the love of Jesus go out & reach those that have been hurt/negatively impacted by this.

Ask me anything

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