Thursday, April 29, 2010

What is your take on interracial relationships/marriages? I am black but grew up around a variety of races. I'm actually the least attracted to my own race. Also, interracial also includes whites and Hispanics; whites and Asians; blacks and whites, etc.

Personally, I feel that race is not an issue, but spirituality is. Many ppl make a big deal of interracial relationships, esp. in the south, but the truth of the matter is that God only sees 2 types of ppl: 1) those who are covered by the blood of Jesus & 2) those who aren't covered by the blood of Jesus.

So, if you find a woman of a different race & you feel like that is someone for you, then pray about it & see what God thinks. Also, ask your parents'/guardians opinion in the matter. Then, take it from there.

Don't conform to the ways of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind on/in God's Word (Rom. 12:1-2).

God bless you my friend.

Ask me anything

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