Monday, April 26, 2010

I was in an abusive marriage and I left the situation but we are still legally married. I dont believe that God would have me stay in a relationship such as this one but Ive been feeling pressure from pastors to reconcile with my husband. Your thoughts?

well, 1st of all, you are in my prayers bc I know that's a hard thing to be in. here are my thoughts:

1) there should be definite separation--which I feel you are doing right now. This will give him time to either get his mind right & truly repent OR go further into his ways, which will make it obvious that divorce is the only option left

2) don't feel pressured by anyone, no matter who they are, because sometimes they give godly counsel but sometimes it's just them pushing an agenda (so you have to watch out--not in a paranoid way, but you do have to be careful).

3) Use this time of separation to help you get closer to the Lord like never before...really draw near to God. cry out in prayer like you never have before. Now is your time for a spiritual pressing in & breakthrough

4) Don't dwell on the past, but record/document lessons you can/have learned from those experiences.

5) Consider reconciliation with your husband only & I mean ONLY after he has shown definite, proven over time signs of TRUE REPENTANCE, both to God & to you. That time could be anywhere from 6 months - 2 years.

6) Remain connected to some accountability & prayer partners that can support you, help you & under-gird you in times of need.

God bless you richly!

Ask me anything

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