I started to put Cozy but I'm not sure how he didn't get put in there....so, now they know--Cozy Gage....yeah!!!
Friday, April 30, 2010
I'd like to team up with you for some future web biz ops. Check out my site and portfolio at webman.us
Let's do it man...that's an awesome site. Email me or I will find you & email you.
who are your favorite artists/worship leaders
Toyebi Adedipe, Ty Cook, Israel Houghton, Jason Upton, Jonathan Stockstill, Jason Bailey, Eddie James, Kirk Franklin, Misty Edwards, Jor'Dan Armstrong, D. Montrell & NuVessel (Jeremy Anderson)
Some of these are local ppl & that I know personally--and they really capture the heart of God in their music.
are wet dreams sin?
no, because they are uncontrolled by the person...but the best thing to remember is that they are usually prompted by something that we may put in our spirits (sexual music or media that brings a level of arousal), so that's where the sin may lay/lie...
So, let's guard what our eyes see & what our ears hear, because they can have some effect on our dreams....
You say shacking is a sin. Then where does it state in the word that you can't live together with the opposite sex. The sin comes in with the actual act of fornication. If two strong willed people lived together but abstained from sex, how is it sin?
The Bible says "avoid the appearance of evil (I Thess. 5:22)." It also says "test not the Lord your God"...and it also says "the spirit (of a man) is willing, but the flesh is weak (Matt. 26:41)."
With all of that being said, it is important for each person to protect themselves, because just one slip sexually (no matter how determined you or the other person is) can really set you and that person back spiritually. The devil is patient--and it can actually take a while, but it can happen, even when you are determined not to.
Now, if you are a believer & you tell someone that you are living with a woman that you ARE NOT related to, it will immediately send terrible signals to the other persons. They will discredit your Christianity & your ministry, even if you haven't done anything--in other words, it's not a good Christian witness.
Pray about it & you'll see what the Holy Spirit says to your spirit....
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Job is the oldest book in the Bible. This book is very interesting from a scientific perspective because of the many natural phenomena that are addressed by God, Job, and his friends. Along the way, God points Job to two special creatures. The first, ment
help me with this question because u may need to rephrase it.
Have you ever thought about putting on your own conference?
I will in time....God's timing is everything--thanks for asking
would you consider yourself very attractive to the opposite sex?
yeah, I do...thanks for even asking...
How did we get the 66 books of the bible? people argue with me and tell me that books were picked and others left out. I dont understand.
those 66 books were chosen by the early church fathers...other books weren't selected because they were found by the founding fathers of the early church to not be inspired completely by the Holy Spirit.
my friend you say my friend alot my friend. my friend i fear it's time for a new crutch phrase
crutch phrase...ur funny....it seems like you are pretty good at critiquing
If your friends have an abortion, are they going to hell? or am I going to hell because I supported them in their decesion?
well, it depends if you die with that sin on your slate/plate. Abortion is certainly sin, but it too, just like any other sin, can be repented of. Former-murderers have made it into heaven, so have ex-thieves, ex-liars, ex-prostitutes, ex-fornicators, ex-homosexuals...you get the picture.
So, you & your friend(s) have a way out through Jesus & true repentance. Don't give up just because you failed once--let Jesus whip the slate clean & renew you...but remember, don't just "say 'I'm sorry'" because of the guilt you may feel, but truly repent & turn from it (2 Cor. 7:10).
How can you say the stories between Horus, Mithra, and Dyonisis are only hearsay when history and world lit shows in fact that those stories were created at least 2000 years or more before this Jesus story? Did you ever go to college?
"this Jesus story?" are you serious? well, personally, I did go to college (thanks for attempting to insult me--I appreciate that), but I really am confident that Jesus is legitimate, because history (if you have read yourself) verifies NOT ONLY Jesus' existence, but also His the Bible & what it says to have happened.
Jesus, as a matter of fact, and the life he lived is the fulfillment of over 600 Old Testament prophecies, with the liklihood of that being one in over a billion chance.
Do more research than just natural my friend, because you will be caught in the natural trap just like everyone else. And, the natural alone my friend, produces death, destruction & heartache in the end.
Wow oral sex is sin? I didnt know that. Even between married people??
yeah--it falls under the category of sodomy, which God condemns.
How do you get your answers and questions to post of facebook?
you have to configure them in the settings area
my friend & i always debate on The Duggars on TLC. she says they are "untouchable" because god says not to use birth control or condoms (if married of course) is this true? do u have to allow conception everytime you have sex with your husband?
I will 1st have to do more research on this family & the things that they believe & I will get back with you. Ask me this ? in a week or so.
What is your take on interracial relationships/marriages? I am black but grew up around a variety of races. I'm actually the least attracted to my own race. Also, interracial also includes whites and Hispanics; whites and Asians; blacks and whites, etc.
Personally, I feel that race is not an issue, but spirituality is. Many ppl make a big deal of interracial relationships, esp. in the south, but the truth of the matter is that God only sees 2 types of ppl: 1) those who are covered by the blood of Jesus & 2) those who aren't covered by the blood of Jesus.
So, if you find a woman of a different race & you feel like that is someone for you, then pray about it & see what God thinks. Also, ask your parents'/guardians opinion in the matter. Then, take it from there.
Don't conform to the ways of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind on/in God's Word (Rom. 12:1-2).
God bless you my friend.
Whats is the difference between praying and having a rabbit's lucky foot? Both depend on coincedence. How can you say prayer works when you still have diseases and killing? Does God ignore these prayers?
great question my friend. To be honest, if you read James 5:16, it speaks of how "the 'effectual fervant' prayer of the RIGHTEOUS availeth much"...so, here are a few things to consider:
1) What is effectual fervent prayer?
2) Who are the RIGHTEOUS?
3) What does "avails much mean?"
4) Does God hear everyone's prayers?
1--"effectual fervent" means persistent, intense, passionate & travail. So, our prayers & our prayer life as a whole should contain consistent elements of this "effectual fervent" nature.
2) The RIGHTEOUS are those who are born-again & have given themselves over completely to God for His use. Some called it being "saved," others say it's "set-apart" but either way, it's being in right standing with God through true repentance (II Cor. 7:10) & a personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord.
3) "avails much" means that it works powerfully & produces great results.
4) God doesn't answer everyone's prayers because He's not obligated to do so, because those who AREN'T RIGHTEOUS are NOT His children, so He doesn't have to answer. The only answers that God is obligated to answer with the righteous are the prayers of repentance.
God bless you my friend.
is oral sex sin?
yes...I understand what ppl want to say to excuse this, but if ppl seek the Lord, they would know...but not many ppl want to talk about it
Pray for me
what about? please do share--but I will pray for you, whomever you are, in general in the meantime.
I think your strong stance as an anti-birthcontroler might hurt have hurt your prospects of a future mate. Regrets?
If you feel that way, that's you, but I know that God will take care of me, even with a stance like that....don't know who you've talked to, but you have obviously NOT TALKED TO the Holy Spirit, because you would know then that He will most certainly take care of you...
So, to answer your question--NO NO NO, I don't have any regrets!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
How can you be a TRUE friend to an ex that you are still in love with? (This ex knows that you are still in love with them)
Well, it would be hard to be a TRUE friend to an "ex" when you are still in love with them. You have to be careful with this area, because you can maybe not get back involved, but be emotional tied down to this person & never be able to move on.
I would encourage some distance & getting more involved with service/ministry as well as hanging with friends in groups.
Pray & ask God to help you move on & focus on Him more in this time, then ask Him to show you would you could learn from that past experience.
I am saved and know that I am saved and have been baptised and filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Is it bad if I dont know the exact dates in which I gave my life to God and when I was baptised?
no, that's not bad...as long as you know for certain that you are saved & filled with the Holy Spirit.
God bless you my friend!!!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
When my best friend and I met neither of us were saved. Now I am but she isnt. When I try talking to her she blows me off and Im beginning to feel distance. I love her like my sister but IDK how we can be friends anymore. What to do?
well, you may want to just let the distance remain & just remain friends with her...it's nothing you can do about it if she doesn't want to be friends...fighting against that will only make it worse.
Start praying for her & believe God that she will come into the Kingdom of God.
Ask God to also help your heart in this matter, because it can be tough losing a friendship that has been in place for quite some time. Be encouraged.
iz musick bad if tha cursein iz beepd out?
yeah, what's the point--most of us have been around long enough to know the words they bleepin out, so does the bleepin really make a difference....
plus, even with the bleeping out, the heart of the song is still wrong.
I know what the word says about fornication and I try to abstain but sometimes I just get lonely. What should I do?
GREAT QUESTION. Really, this is a serious area that many ppl struggle in, but here's how to deal with this:
1) Serious prayer & increased devotion-I start off with this in practically every answer for anything, esp. serious matters, because prayer has the potential to increase both our intimacy with God & the way we are able to receive answers from God. Increased Prayer & increased devotion clears up the lines between us & God & makes His direction for us more obvious in most cases. Now, when I say devotion, that means reading & studying the Word, coupled with prayer.
2) In prayer, ask God to stabilize you & send you your spouse in His timing. Be open with God about your struggle & let Him know that you are having an issue in this area--trust me, He sees, knows & understands. So, just talking about it with Him will help & it will cause an answer to come AND/OR revelation to come as to why you may not be at that place yet & what it would take for you to get there.
3) Have some good, strong Christian friends, mainly of the same gender, that are real & that you can talk to in a trustworthy manner regarding your struggle. Ppl struggle with this area, so you are not alone, but don't let the devil come in & destroy you through this, because it really only takes one ungodly sexual encounter to throw you off-course for a long time.
4) Keep the consequences in front of you. Each sexual encounter that has you in fornication can put you deeper & deeper into a cycle that can not only prevent you from getting fully into the flow of God's destiny & plan for your life, but can also ultimately send you to hell (I Cor. 6:9-11). So, remind yourself of this each time you get lonely, esp. when you may not able to reach those friends, or if the devil is telling you not to call them because they won't understand...when that happens, remind yourself of the consequences of those few mins of pleasure...it's DEFINITELY NOT worth it at all.
5) Get more active in doing God's work...it doesn't have to consume all your time, but let it fill enough of your time to make a difference--and when you give ministry, God will CERTAINLY give back to you.
6) Find other hobbies, esp. physical activities like basketball, working out, etc. that you can occupy your time in fun yet non-sinful way. Esp. when you get together with solid, grounded, balanced believers who know how to live clean & have fun at the same time (I Cor. 15:33).
God bless you & if I can be of any more service to you, please don't hesitate to let me know--really....and trust me, I know this walk, but you can make it (I don't just speak this from what I got in a book, I am LIVING IT--and it ain't easy all the time, but it's most definitely worth it)
Is shacking a SIN?
yes it is. Gotta avoid the appearance of evil (I Thess. 5:22) just to name a few.
Did you know that Jesus' story is taken from the same story of Horus, Mithra, and Dyonisis?
only hearsay....Jesus is the Truth!
Monday, April 26, 2010
I recently viewed this dvd "Truth about hiphop" It was crazy, some of it made alot of sense but other parts where reeeeeeaaallly out there. Have you seen it?
some of it, not all....it's really eye-opening, but some of the stuff was a little bit of a stretch (esp. the stuff about Christian hip-hop not being of God)
Why is Jay-Z so popular when he is an obvious misogynist punk? Is Beyonce retarded?
interesting...not sure y he is so popular, but it involves some of the things he is involved in. Don't know what to say about B
Are you obligated to tip when picking up to go orders? Sometimes I feel like they are expecting a tip when they bring my food out to the car. I don't want to be that guy, but it would seem lame to have to tip for that.
u don't have to, but look at it as sowing a seed to someone--you never know what they might be in need of...and just say God bless you with it...it might be a good witness for 'em
There are a number of places where it appears that dinosaurs or other similar creatures are mentioned in the scriptures. Remember that the Bible was translated into English long before the word "dinosaur" was coined. However, the word "dragon" appears 21
please rephrase this ? so I can see the whole thing...
Do you think you could have improved Lebron's game given the chance to coach him? (I know you got mad knowledge on the game, that's why i ask)
naw, he is more knowledgeable about the game than me...that's why I work with younger kids & young men.
Some people who seek advice from you have some very serious problems. Do you ever consider a more holistic approach in your responses, that includes prayer, but also therapy, medical evalutions, etc. The question about cutting stands out as very serious.
The cutting is a serious question, and I gave it a serious answer....medical evaluations would be great, but it appears, like the question/statement said, the person doesn't want help, so that's why the methods I spoke of were recommended.
I think it's hilarious that you dodge the "what's your job question"
I don't dodge it...I answered it so many times that I am tired of answering it....so, if you want to go on my profile & look through the q&a's, you are welcome to...
and why is that so important to you anyway...what's your job? :)
I've heard of several instances where ppl have denounced their Greek Letters after getting saved; what's up with that? (I asked this question b4 but didn't see an answer, so if u did answer I apologize for the repeat).
I did...sorry you didn't see it. here's the answer I put from last time (took me a little time to find it though--lol)
I've heard of multiple circumstances where people have denounced their Greek letters after getting saved. What's the deal with that? How is being Greek relavent to salvation?
Great question...
Here is the thing. I personally, although I know many ppl who are Greeks, know that there are some things about Greek life that are very ungodly & would disrupt a person's faith in Christ. Although Greek organizations are not the only organizations that have the potential to do this, they have been a distraction & a hindrance for many.
As a result, many people have left Greek life after salvation because they feel like they need to be more connected to the Lord & the Lord's work & that they no longer have time for Greek life & the things that go along with it.
Others have done research & there are some things, which I won't try to dive into on here, where they feel the Greek life contradicts their beliefs & faith in Christ.
2 weeks ago
I'm starting to question my salvation becuz I pray and cry out to God but never get a answer I know God answers thru many different ways but I'm tired of praying the same prayers I know the song says after you done all you can you just stand I can't do it
You can do it...be encouraged.
Don't doubt your salvation because it's a matter of you really just going through a barren season. You can only imagine how ppl in the Bible had to endure for long periods of time before God answered.
Be encouraged & keep pressing. I am praying for you.
I have a friend that is gay and her father kicked her out because of this..Now she's cutting herself and she feels like she not good enough but she doesn't want anyone to help her..What should I do?
This is a tough ? but it has an answer..
first, you should pray, and pray harder than you ever have before. Even fast...and do it for more intimacy with God & also for this person
Next, do your best to be a friend to them, but don't be preachy or burdensome...share seeds & nuggets from time to time, but show true love.
Then, find ways to serve this person. But serve them with God's love.
Do you get paid to answer questions on here?? It seems like your full time job!
well, I just enjoy serving ppl...they ask, I answer
Is it wrong for me to be laughing this hysterically at your formspring?
do what you do...I laugh at it too most of the time
ok, just interchange "legalism" with "super spiritual" for that question.
legalism doesn't make sense either...because it's not that either...it's called walking in faith & being real...not "coping out"
If there was no contraception in Biblical times and some of the same things that are going on now (i.e. fornication, homosexuality, adultery) went on then; why is there no mention of STDs in the Bible?
that's because those things weren't there then....there was so much purity in society then (as far as foods & things taken in--air quality as well), but today, in an age where there are so many chemicals & unnatural things being used, it brings about all these unnatural things that were never in the earth before....
What advice would you give someone if they have surrounding ppl that they HAVE TO interact with that are constantly trying to say or do something to pull them down? What if it work,like they feel like they have to have the approval of the ppl around them?
well, it depends upon why you HAVE TO interact with them.
But, at any rate, if you have to interact with them, then pray for them...start now...pray for them & pray with a heart of love & godliness.
Afterward, get in the Word & start filling your heart & mind with God's report, so that your mind can get away from theirs.
So are you saying that when you get married, and you and your wife are not yet ready for children; yall wont use any type ofprotection because you think its all like abortion??? Thats crazy.
Well, it will definitely be a discussion that me & my future wife will have....
I assume that vantage points can change, but based upon what I know right now, and what I know of God's Word, I don't think birth control is necessary....
I believe that there's a way to be sensible & walk in faith, even in areas where other ppl say it's crazy..
just like some ppl believe you have to "date" to marry, when I know ppl who have done it in ways that were "more spiritual" and they are still married, and all that...impractical in the world's eyes, but totally correct in God's.
So there was no condoms & birth control back in "bible times", but men also wore sandals and dress-like garments everyday. Are u walking around in a dress right now?? I sure hope not. Get w/ the program & stop being so super spiritual...times have changed
do you even know what super-spirituality means? that's really an oxymoron to be honest--there's no such thing, it doesn't matter what you or any other person says....
times don't change in regards to matters of faith...times don't nullify principles...seek God on this matter & you'll see...don't just run with what you heard someone else say.
I was in an abusive marriage and I left the situation but we are still legally married. I dont believe that God would have me stay in a relationship such as this one but Ive been feeling pressure from pastors to reconcile with my husband. Your thoughts?
well, 1st of all, you are in my prayers bc I know that's a hard thing to be in. here are my thoughts:
1) there should be definite separation--which I feel you are doing right now. This will give him time to either get his mind right & truly repent OR go further into his ways, which will make it obvious that divorce is the only option left
2) don't feel pressured by anyone, no matter who they are, because sometimes they give godly counsel but sometimes it's just them pushing an agenda (so you have to watch out--not in a paranoid way, but you do have to be careful).
3) Use this time of separation to help you get closer to the Lord like never before...really draw near to God. cry out in prayer like you never have before. Now is your time for a spiritual pressing in & breakthrough
4) Don't dwell on the past, but record/document lessons you can/have learned from those experiences.
5) Consider reconciliation with your husband only & I mean ONLY after he has shown definite, proven over time signs of TRUE REPENTANCE, both to God & to you. That time could be anywhere from 6 months - 2 years.
6) Remain connected to some accountability & prayer partners that can support you, help you & under-gird you in times of need.
God bless you richly!
so how can you have sex and enjoy it all the time if you don't use birth control or contraceptives? or can you only have sex when you want to get pregnant?
Truth is that people aren't fertile all times of the month (only 2-5 days), but you can enjoy sex without contraceptives--it's possible. It's hard to believe for some, but God can give life & take it...so I just choose to believe that faith covers everything, including this area. I will have as many kids as I want, no more no less--because God says I can have it that way.
What do you tell someone who is a Christian but find it hard to have faith when others(non-believers) are prospering?
It's seasonal...I understand where you are because I have been there in some ways...but from someone who has seen the worst of times & is now beginning to see God's best begin to manifest, don't give up & keep pressing into God in prayer. Your time will come (remember "be NOT weary in well-doing, for in due season, you shall reap a harvest if you faint not"--Galatians 6:9)...just keep fighting in the Spirit & claim what God has for you...
David & Joseph both are examples of those who spend over a decade in struggle & pain, even prison for Joseph, but they came out & reigned as major leaders for at least 3 times as long as they were in down-times.
Be encouraged & keep seeking God!
I just told my ex-husband that I was still in love with him & he says that he loves me too. But the problem is that he is currently in a relationship with someone else. He wouldn’t mind getting back 2gether but is afraid of being hurt again. The woma
Your statement didn't finish...please resend it, shorten it & all so that I can answer fully if you like.
But, just from what you've put, I think you should watch out for this & just be prayerful. First, you don't want to break his relationship b/c even if things didn't work out for reasons beyond your control, you have to let things go & let God. If God wants you 2 back together, let Him do--don't do it yourself, because it could end up with more hurt.
You have to ask yourself what makes you say/think/feel/believe you are still in love with your ex-husband?
Also, why do you want to get back with him?
Also, what type hurt was sustained in the relationship that makes him not want to get "hurt again?"
so all the bethany pastors on birth control are in sin?
who says they are? how would you know? and if they are, it's between them & God.
the morning after pill wont help you if you are already pregnant so how is it like an abortion?
it's a birth control measure, and to me, to prevent pregnancy in any way is similar to abortion...b/c you are playing God in a sense.
Well,you might know who I am.....on second thought no you don't.....anyways......I'm tired of being a believer I been hurt by church folks almost all my life and I'm tired of it,it seems like the world is do much realer then the christians life style
Don't buy into the lie of the devil, because the world & their lifestyles may seem realer, but truth is that no matter how real it is, the path leads to hell.
I know what it's like to be hurt by church folks, but we have a loving God who's more real than anybody & He knows how to bring comfort via the Holy Spirit--if we open our hearts to Him after the hurt.
I feel your plight, but don't buy the devil's hype; the world may seem real, but it'll get you killed!
Y do some so called Christains get mad or stop talking to u if u cant come to church or havent been coming? Its like they "cut u off" is this god like? & does god tell them 2 do it?????
because some Christians (and/or "churchgoers claiming to be Christians) feel as though they are above everyone, and mask it in the name of "holiness." So, for some of them, it's dead wrong.
But, for some, it's a thing of them sincerely being "holy" and not wanting to be influenced by the world (I Cor. 15:33 -- "bad company corrupts good morals") & worldly vices. And esp. when a person is just coming out of a certain sin or out of the world altogether, they must separate so that they don't fall back.
So, to answer the last question, sometimes, God tells people to stop talking to ppl, while at other times, those ppl are being influenced by religion & self-righteousness.
Don't be discouraged by this--if you have been a person victimized by this, be encouraged, because I know what it's like to see ppl "stiff-armed" by church folks & in some cases, it's wrong....but, may the love of Jesus go out & reach those that have been hurt/negatively impacted by this.
Do you believe God gets angry when people get perms because they are saying what he created was "not managable?" This is a serious question.
well, i personally don't think so, because I do think you can do things with your hair & it's not dishonoring to God. Even though we don't think so, I am fairly confident that they had other things like perms & all back then, just maybe not with the same effects that perms have.
Thanks for the question.
I'm asking this question out of curiosity, and applogize in advance if it comes across as ugly. What background / qualifications do you posses that make you an authority on the many subjects in which you seem to give people advice and or guidance?
it doesn't come off as ugly, just a little curious I guess...thanks for the precursor though.
Well, I have been in ministry for many years & so, many people over the years have come to me for advice. So, I just give them the counsel & wisdom that I know from the Bible & seeking the Lord. Most of the time, those who apply the advice I have been honored to give them reap good benefits, so we keep talking. My authority to speak on things comes from the Lord & Him alone--nothing else really. It's not about me, and I talk it humbly & am honored to be asked such things by people. But it also helps me to strive for more greatness in God & in life.
Thanks for your question.
Do you think the morning after pill is like an abortion?
yes, the morning after pill is def like an abortion....
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Redemption from Crushed Dreams
Have your dreams ever been crushed by someone?
Our society has a relationship dilemna of mass proportions going on. Many of the current relationships that are seen, both in normal circles of life as well as in celebrity circles, are really rooted in selfishness and bound for separation eventually. And, it appears that, on a large scale, no one is attempting to reserve this trend on a mass scale - thus continuing the selfish trend that exists. It is so bad, that divorce is higher than ever (approximately 50% overall average), as is "live-in partners" - which was virtually a non-existent relationship type about 20 years ago. And, most of these relationships break-up over problems that could be fixed relatively easily with just some consistency in the right areas.
We are faced with a seemingly unsolveable probem, but yet our hearts yearn to find the solution to this epidemic and similar type relationship issues that are floating around circles at ever-increasing speeds. What are we going to do?
Here are a few things I suggest:
1) Always, ALWAYS, start with you (me) - Look inside to see what can you do to get your problems resolved first. This would afford you the opportunity to kill a negative trend that affects both you and others.
2) Forgive immediately - Without forgiving even the person(s) that did you the worst, you cannot reap even the smallest amount of forgiveness for your smallest offences. Remember, "you reap what you have sown." So, give/sow FORGIVENESS so you can reap FORGIVENESS.
It's easier said then done, but it is doable. Also, make sure you forgive yourself in the matter as well.
3) Find an outlet to vent frustration - Sometimes you just need to vent a little; that way, you can blow off some steam. In some cases, people do wonders; in other cases, you need God to intervene. Either way, you need someone you can speak openly and objectively with regarding your frustration in your relationships situations. If not, you may bottle it up, then release it at a wrong time and cause more damage than good.
4) MOVE ON - Don't just sit there where the relationship broke up (no matter whose fault it was), crying your eyes out about how much you failed, or what that person did to do wrong to you. Just...get over it and move on...like I always say - they are not first on the priority list of your life, so shake it off. GIVE YOURSELF SOME TIME TO HEAL - BUT MOVE FORWARD AS YOU ARE PURSUING THAT FULL HEALING. But, if you have let them into that spot, then you may have to fault yourself on the results. But, even then, don't stay with that too long either - don't let regret sit on you, but move forward with calm yet persistent agression. Find the joys of life and allow them to fill your life in a new way.
On any level, whether it be family, friends, romance or whatever else, relationships really affect all of us. We all need healthy relationships in our lives, but stuff happens where some of even the most important relationships we have at a certain period face serious difficulties and oppositions of all sorts. Honestly, some relationships can be restored, while others need to just be left alone - it's for your good.
More to come later, but just some late night thoughts. Let's seek to bring all our real relationships to the next level in trust, closeness, purity, and such. Pursuing this together....until next time.....Take care friends and fam!!!