Saturday, May 1, 2010

When its time to pay my tithes & offering at church I feel guilty because I dont have it!! Am I wrong for feeling this way? I pay my tithes when I'm able to but as for I pay what I can when I can but I still feel like I'm doing something wrong!

well, it depends on what you pay...some ppl say they pay tithes but yet it is not quite 10%...

You should pay your tithe each time you get paid, and do your best to pay it 1st, before you pay anything else. That's not because your church needs it, but because the enemy tries to distract us & keep us from walking in God's FULL BLESSING, so we have to stop him by being COMPLETELY OBEDIENT (Malachi 3:8-11).

Now, if you are feeling bad because of ppl, that's the devil; but if you are being convicted by God, then it's good that you feel that way. Either way, you should pay your 10% (off the gross, not the net--because God deserves to get 10% of what you make before taxes are taken out).

Thanks for asking this question. God bless.

Ask me anything

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