Friday, May 28, 2010

hello. im wandering if u think it is rite for a 'leader' to require me to ask dem for their approval for me to have a girlfriend. i know counsel is good but i dont want ppl runnin my life.

I think this is a very interesting question simply because I have heard of situations where this has happened & I have also heard of situations where the opposite happens--no involvement from leadership...and I think that both extremes are WRONG.

Leaders/pastors should never have the right to dictate the actions of any believer, because Jesus is Lord, NOT pastors or leaders. BUT, at the same time, our pastors & leaders should have input in our lives & decisions, because we do need godly counsel. They shouldn't be so independent of us that they say nothing at all.

So, to answer your question, it is NOT RIGHT for a leader to require you to ask them for approval in a relationship, because you should have enough relationships with the Holy Spirit to make right decisions--that's what they are there to help you perfect. Jesus should be "running" your life as Lord, not a person.

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