Monday, August 23, 2010

Pt. 2 on Floyd's response: I think it's obvious that you were hurt by Bethany, Floyd, but you really need to let it go. Your bitterness is VERY evident to many, including myself. You think the 225br poster came to YOUR blog (Cont)

and also, I would love to know who these "many" are that think/feel I am so bitter--none of them have ever talked to me, called me or emailed me's kind of funny to me. You see, these "many" that you refer to are showing their love "in the closet" rather than coming out in the open & sharing it with me.

If you really read my response, the truth is that I didn't really care of the blog--and I actually was defending them, if you really read it correctly...but since you are insistent upon what you feel, you just go ahead & feel that way, because I can't control what you feel.

But, I do know this--I am justified by God through the blood of Jesus. I love Pastor Larry & his entire family; they were a blessing to me for many years & I greatly appreciate ALL THEY DID. But, they are not perfect people, just like you nor I--but they love Jesus & are working to expand His Kingdom...that's why I actually defended them to the blog writer. Yes, I was hurt there, but I forgave & now I have moved on...and so should you!

Ask me anything

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